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This blog is totally for learning purposes. Non-commercial. In many of the posts, many snippets have been taken from various thirukkural blogs, books available online freely only for learning purpose without any intention of plagiarism or to make money. I have given due credit, link wherever possible. If you want your content to be removed, or you want more credit to be provided, please do let me know in the comment section of any of the posts. ஊருணி நீர்நிறைந் தற்றே உலகவாம் பேரறி வாளன் திரு (குறள் 215)

New Project - English Meanings and questions

I have been updated individual Thirukkural posts with English meanings. It is not a planned project. For last couple of years, I have been discussing Thirukkurals (Aram and Porul) with a high school student for whom I give the meanings in English. I had documented some 240 Thirukkural meanings in English. I am slowly bringing them to this blog also. While I revise the Thirukkurals with the high school student I ask questions and follow up questions in order to solidify the understanding of the Thirukkural as much as possible. Hence, those questions are also documented. All the Thirukkurals would have English meanings by end of 2025. 

Hopefully this section of English meanings and questions to ask would be helpful to students for deepening their understanding of a Thirukkural. 

If you have any thoughts/suggestions that you would like to share with me, please do comment in the respective post.  


  1. Hi. I really want to be a part of this project. Please let me know how i can be of use.

  2. I'd love to be a part of this project. Please let me know how i can be of help

  3. Sorry. It is a slow process. I do it myself as and when I teach a new kural. In a way, it is an opportunity for me to revisit a kural and its meaning. correct anything. or simplify

  4. ஐயா இப்படைப்புகள் புத்தக வடிவில் வேண்டும் வாழ்வின் அர்த்தமுள்ள ஒன்றாய், எப்படி வாங்குவது தங்களது தொலைபேசி எண்

    1. ஐயா, வணக்கம். இவை புத்தக வடிவில் கொண்டு வர எண்ணமில்லை. இந்த வலைத்தளத்திலேயே வாசிக்கலாமே. அதில் தடையேதுமிருக்கிறதா?

    2. +13068078951 என்ற எண்ணில் தொடர்புகொள்ளுங்கள் (whatsappஇல்)

  5. Vanakkam Aiya,
    I'm K.Rajadurai from Malaysia.
    I would like to talk with you. The number above is not reachable. Pls advise aiya. Thanks

  6. Wonderful. Truly appreciate your great effort aiya. All the explanations are very clear and helpful. VAALGA TAMIL. VAALGA VAIYAGAM.
